The United States has a transmission problem. Wind and solar curtailments are increasing, interconnection queues for new projects can take years to complete, reliability is eroding, and in some places we are unable to retire expensive, aging, and … [Read more...]
Beyond 1-day-in-10-Years: Measuring Resource Adequacy for a Grid in Transition
ESIG recently released a report titled Redefining Resource Adequacy for Modern Power Systems, which laid a foundation for new ways to think about resource adequacy and reliability as the grid decarbonizes. In that work, we laid out six principles to … [Read more...]
Five Principles of Resource Adequacy for Modern Power Systems
Ask any grid operator their top priority and the answer is simple: reliability. Our society has come to expect, and require, uninterrupted power—even on the hottest days and coldest nights, and through the longest storms. These expectations do not … [Read more...]