March 25, 2021 – Today, the Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG), the leading source of global expertise for energy systems integration and operations, announced the recipients of its 2021 Excellence Awards.
These awards recognize energy professionals from around the world for their contributions and accomplishments toward the planning and operation of energy systems across multiple pathways and geographical scales in ways that are reliable, economic and sustainable.
More than 30 individuals received Excellence Awards, including three individuals who received Lifetime Excellence Awards for their sustained contributions and dedication to the energy industry.
“We know it’s been an extremely trying time for everyone, but the perseverance, leadership and contributions made by this group over the years have been an honor to watch,” said Mark Ahlstrom, ESIG Board of Directors President. “Announcing this year’s recipients is a special moment for everyone as it shows how critical it is to keep moving forward and pushing one another in our industry to continue to innovate and lead. We are pleased to recognize each of these individuals for their hard work and accomplishments.”
Lifetime Excellence Awards are presented to:
Bob Cummings, NERC – For major contributions in the field of power system reliability; retired after a distinguished career of more than 40 years at NERC and in the industry.
Robert W. Thresher, NREL – For a lifetime of contributions to the advance of wind energy technology internationally; retired after a distinguished career of 36 years at NREL.
Larry Barr, EDF Renewables – For a lifetime of contributions to wind plant O&M practices and wind turbine technology.
The Ross Newlin Achievement Award is presented to:
Christopher McNalley, Consumers Energy – For his ongoing contributions of leadership to the ESIG Operations & Maintenance Users Group as well as advancements in the operations of utility-operated solar assets.
Excellence Award recipients include:
For global leadership and contributions to the science and engineering of wind power integration
- Hannele Holttinen, IEA Wind Task 25
For contributions to market design for a renewable energy future
- Erik Ela, EPRI
- Bethany Frew, NREL
- Ben Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University
For championing the NARUC resolution recommending state commissions adopt and implement DER standard IEEE 1547-2018
- Matt Schuerger, Commissioner, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
For leadership in advancing the understanding of the need for transmission for wind integration in the Upper Midwest
- Beth Soholt, Executive Director, Clean Grid Alliance
For leadership and contributions in the field of energy policy in support of clean energy goals
- Richard Glick, Chairman, FERC
- Allison Clements, Commissioner, FERC
For global leadership in the initiation of the Global Power System Transformation (GPST) initiative in support of system operation with high levels of IBR
- Fintan Slye, CEO, National Grid ESO
- Elliot Mainzer, CEO, California ISO
- Thomas Egebo, CEO, Energinet
- Mark Foley, CEO, Eirgrid
- Audrey Zibelman, Former CEO, AEMO
- Steve Berberich, Former CEO, California ISO
For international cooperation, leadership and contributions to the transformation of the AEMO to prepare for a renewable energy future
- Christian Schaefer, AEMO
For contributions to the modeling and analysis of converter driven power systems with electromagnetic transient programs
- Andrew Isaacs, Electranix
For leadership in support of the transition to a clean, economic and reliable energy future
- Bryan Hannegan, Holy Cross Energy
- Ric O’Connell, GridLab
For contributions to the development of analysis tools and methods for planning the power system of the future
- Russ Philbrick, Polaris Systems Optimization
For leadership and contributions to the application of optimization strategies under uncertainty for the integration of wind and solar resources
- Lindsay Anderson, Cornell University
For expanding the characterization and understanding of phenomena in wind turbine component operations and technical issues
- Shawn Sheng, NREL
Service & Appreciation Award recipients include:
In appreciation for his many years of dedicated service to ESIG and its board
- Mark McGranaghan, EPRI
In appreciation for his many years of dedicated service to the ESIG O&M Users Group
- Mike Snodgrass, MidAmerican Energy
For more information or to become a member of ESIG, contact, or visit
Media Contact: Ryan Willis – – (704) 473-0135
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