Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) has announced that Erik Ela has been contracted as the Group’s Director of System Operation and Electricity Markets.
In this role, Ela will provide support to ESIG’s System Operations and Market Design Working Group, which covers bulk power system operations, market design, integration of technologies, ancillary services, capacity markets, and jointly covers DER integration into wholesale/retail markets with the DER Working Group, as well as other related emerging topics.
Ela specializes in electricity market design and operations, renewable energy and emerging technology integration, bulk power system operations, essential reliability services, resource planning, and electricity policy.
Ela has been the Program Manager at EPRI supporting its research program on electricity market design and operations and topics related to transmission operations and planning. Prior to joining EPRI in 2014, Ela worked for several years with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) as a senior research engineer and before that for the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). He has been involved in several working groups of the IEEE Power and Energy Society, CIGRE, NERC, and ESIG, including as the chair of the IEEE Power System Economics Subcommittee, chair of ESIG’s System Operations and Market Design Working Group, associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, and part of NYISO’s Environmental Advisory Council. Ela received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering.
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