Our 2022 Meteorology and Market Design for Grid Services Workshop was held at The Curtis Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.
All of the presentations from the workshop can be downloaded below.
Workshop Session Recordings: For recordings of each of the sessions, please see the workshop playlist here.
Introduction to Forecasting and Operations
Aidan Tuohy, Program Manager and Erik Ela, Principal, EPRI
Electricity Markets and Forecasts, How They Interact
Aidan Tuohy, Program Manager and Erik Ela, Principal, EPRI
Forecasting Hybrid and Co-Located, Resources
Amber Motley, Senior Manager, Short Term Forecasting, CAISO
Chair: Mark Ahlstrom, President, ESIG Board of Directors, & NextEra Energy Resources
Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
How are Forecasts Performing and Markets Adapting
Pascal Storck, Head of Technology, Vaisala
Forecasting and Market Participation for Hybrids
Gary Dorris, CEO & Co-founder, Ascend Analytics
Forecasting and Market Participation for Large Wind and Solar Power Plants
Congcong Wang, Lead Day-Ahead Market and Reliability Commitment, MISO
Forecasting and Market Participation for VPPs
Lars Rohwer, energy & meteo systems
DER Technology Forecasting – How will it Impact the Rest of the System?
Nate Blair, Group Manager – Distributed Systems and Storage Analysis, NREL
Session 2A
Chair: Craig Collier, Chief Meteorologist, Head of Operations, Energy Forecasting Solutions, LLC
Short and Medium Range Forecasting System Improvements
Dave Turner, Manager – NOAA ASRE Program, NOAA
Dispatching Long Duration Storage on High PV Systems
Brady Cowiestoll, Engineer, NREL
Advances in PV Nowcasting Applications
Nick Engerer, CTO & Co-founder, Solcast
Session 2B
American Made Challenges Solar Forecasting Prize
Chair: Tassos Golnas, Technology Manager, Solar Energy Technologies Office, DOE
DOE Solar Forecasting Prize Panel
A Hybrid Approach for Intra-day Solar Forecasting
Xianglei Huang, Professor, University of Michigan
Solar Intelligence Services
Geoff Galgon, Nimbus AI
Solar Forecast Arbiter – Performance, Lessons Learned and Next Steps
David Larson, Engineer/Scientist III, Grid Ops & Planning, EPRI
DOE Probabilistic Solar Power Forecasting Panel
Solar Uncertainty Management and Mitigation for Exceptional Reliability in Grid Operations
Bri-Mathias Hodge, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder; Chief Scientist, NREL
Operational Probabilistic Tools for Solar Uncertainty
Aidan Tuohy, Program Manager, EPRI
Using Probabilistic Solar Forecasts for Operating Reserves Requirements
Ben Hobbs, Director, JHU Environment, Energy, Sustainability & Health Institute, Johns Hopkins University
Chair: Nitika Mago, Manager, Electric Grid Operations, ERCOT
Forecaster Experience Working with a TSO on the Current and Planned use of Probabilistic Forecasts in Market Operation
Jeff Lerner, Customer Solutions Manager, ENFOR
Forming Weather-Aware Uncertainty Requirements
Amber Motley, Senior Manager, Short Term Forecasting, CAISO
Integration of Probabilistic Forecasts into the EMS and MMS – Status and Prospects
Sankaran Rajagopal, Director, Energy Market Management Business Solutions, Siemens
A Market Management Systems (MMS) Perspective
Khosrow Moslehi, Director, Product Management, Hitachi Energy
Integration of Renewables Forecasts into the EMS and MMS
Tolu Dina, Manager – Operations Performance and Analysis, NYISO
Chair: Debbie Lew, Associate Director, ESIG
Batteries and Ramping Reserves
Arne Olsen, Senior Partner, Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc.
The Case for Dynamic Reserve Allocation in NY State
Rana Mukerji, Senior Vice President–Market Structures, NYISO
Dynamic Operating Reserves in SPP
Kathryn Dial, Senior Technical Analyst, Southwest Power Pool
Survey of Adoption of Dynamic Reserve Practices
Jo Ann Ranola, Grid Ops & Planning, EPRI
Chair: Laurent Dubus, Senior Scientist on Weather and Climate, RTE
Climate Change Impacts on Wind Power Generation
Sara C. Pryor, Professor, Cornell University
Renewable Resource Interannual Variability under Current and Future Climate Scenarios
Sue Ellen Haupt, Deputy Director, Research Applications Laboratory, NCAR
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on BPS Planning and Operation
Bri-Mathias Hodge, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder; Chief Scientist, NREL
Chair: Aidan Tuohy, Program Manager, EPRI
The Evolving Role of Extreme Weather Events in the Power System
Josh Novacheck, Electricity System Research Engineer, NREL
Planning Data Sets Accounting for Extreme Weather Events
Justin Sharp, Principal & Owner, Sharply Focused
Planning for Extreme Weather Events Case Study
Richard Tabors, President, Tabors, Caramanis and Rudkevich
Market Evolution on High Variable Renewable Future – Panel Intro
Chair: Erik Ela, Principal, EPRI
Market Design Evolution for a Decarbonized Energy Future
Karen Palmer, Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future
Intraday Settlements to Mitigate DER Forecast Uncertainty Risk
Pamela MacDougall, Environmental Defense Fund
GFM Penetration and Market Product Requirements
Julian Leslie, Head of Networks and Chief Engineer, National Grid ESO
Forecasting and Market Evolution in AEMO
Liam McManus, Operational Forecasting Analyst, AEMO
Chair: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Panel discussion with forecast developers, forecast users, researchers and consultants to talk about issues, gaps, opportunities and needs based on their experience and observations from the workshop.
Mark Ahlstrom, President, ESIG Board of Directors, & NextEra Energy Resources
Craig Collier, Chief Meteorologist, Head of Operations, Energy Forecasting Solutions, LLC
Tassos Golnas, Technology Manager, Solar Energy Technologies Office, DOE
Debbie Lew, Associate Director, ESIG
Laurent Dubus, Senior Scientist on Weather and Climate, RTE (France)
Aidan Tuohy, Program Manager, EPRI
Erik Ela, Principal, EPRI
Sue Ellen Haupt, Deputy Director, Research Applications Laboratory, NCAR