Knut Styve Hornnes
Featured Speaker: Knut Styve Hornnes, Special Adviser, R&D and Innovation, Statnett
About the Webinar: With a rapidly evolving power system, stability challenges have evolved as well. In the European context, ENTSO-E, as a network of collaborating TSOs, tackles these stability challenges at both regional and European scale. This webinar will provide an insight into how European TSOs tackle these stability issues, what are the modelling and simulation techniques employed, how is instability analyzed and what are the future research needs. Through case studies and demonstrators, this presentation will provide both system operation and R&D perspectives on European grid stability initiatives.
About the Speaker: Knut has his education from NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, with his degree in Electrical Engineering. He is employed in Statnett, the Norwegian TSO and has a position as Special Adviser in the R&D and Innovation department. He is also working for RDIC under ENTSO-E in Europe and is convenor of the workstream Stability Management in Power Electronics Dominated Systems under WG2, Security and Operations of tomorrow.
Moderator: Jason MacDowell, Chief Systems Integration Officer, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.