Featured Speaker: Marta Val Escudero, Technical Leader, EirGrid
About the Webinar: The power system transition towards decarbonization introduces many technical challenges and increased operational complexity. In Ireland and Northern Ireland, a small synchronous power system with limited HVDC interconnection, the challenges are more pronounced and new holistic approaches have been developed to steadily increase the instantaneous share of non-synchronous resources (mostly wind) to the current level of 75%. One of the key contributors to this success story has been the implementation of Look Ahead security assessment capabilities as decision support tools in the Control Rooms. This functionality identifies potential instabilities in advance of the issues manifesting in Real Time and enables timely implementation of the required measures to meet the operational security criteria. This webinar will share EirGrid’s experience in the development and operation of Look Ahead functionality for steady state and dynamic security assessment and its integration in the Control Room environments.
Marta Val Escudero
About the Speaker: Marta Val Escudero is a Technical Leader at EirGrid in the Future Operations Team of the Innovation and Planning Directorate. She has 29 years of experience in many aspects of power system modelling and analysis with focus on integration of renewables. In her current role, she leads a team responsible for the development and support of new decision support tools for the Control Centres in Dublin and Belfast to facilitate secure integration of higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation in the island of Ireland. Marta is a very active CIGRE member and currently serves as Chair of Study Committee C4 (Power System Technical Performance).
Moderator: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.