2019 Meteorology & Market Design For Grid Services Workshop Agenda
2019 Meteorology & Market Design For Grid Services Workshop Overview
Tutorial: Electricity Markets and Forecast Utilization: How they work and how they interact
Chairs: Erik Ela & Aidan Tuohy, EPRI
Meteorology & Market Design For Grid Services Workshop
Keynote Remarks – NREL: Transforming Energy Through Innovation – Martin Keller
Opening Plenary Session: Common Ground – Forecasting & Market Design for Clean Energy Futures
Chair: Bethany Frew, NREL
Linkage between Market Design and Forecasting – Why It Should be Even Tighter, Mark Ahlstrom, NextEra Energy Resources
How Much, How Far, How Certain – Market Proposals and Forecasting Implications, Rob Gramlich, Grid Strategies
Use of Probabilistic Forecasts – Are We Finally Ready to Use Them?, Ben Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University
Grid Services and Future System Values – The Big Picture, Mark O’Malley, NREL
Panel Discussion – What Are Your Major Drivers of Market Redesign Today?
Additional panelists included: Emma Nicholson, Concentric Energy Advisors, Sue Haupt, NCAR & Aaron Bloom, NextEra Analytics
Forecasting Session 1: Solar Forecasting 2 Program
Chair: Tassos Golnas, DOE
Panel 1
Open Source Evaluation Framework for Solar Forecasting, Justin Sharp, Sharply Focused
Advancing the WRF-Solar Model to Improve Solar Irradiance Forecast in Cloudy Environments, Yangang Liu, Brookhaven National Lab
HAIMOS Ensemble Forecasts for Intra-day and Day-Ahead GHI, DNI and Ramps, Hugo Pedro, UCSD
Development of WRF-Solar v2—Improving Solar Forecasts, Larry Berg, PNNL
Probabilistic Cloud Optimized Day-Ahead Forecasting System based on WRF-Solar, Manajit Sengupta, NREL
Advanced Solar and Load Forecasting Incorporating HD Sky Imaging, Paul Kalb, Brookhaven National Lab
Panel 2
Solar Uncertainty Management and Mitigation for Exceptional Reliability in Grid Operations, Bri-Mathias Hodge, NREL + UC Boulder
Probabilistic Forecasts and Operational Tools to Improve Solar Integration, Aidan Tuohy, EPRI
Coordinated Ramping Product and Regulation Reserve Procurements in CAISO and MISO using Multi-Scale Probabilistic Solar Power Forecasts, Venkat Krishnan, NREL
Markets Session 1: Hybrid Resources and Virtual Power Plants – Are They for Real?
Chair: Erik Ela, EPRI
A VPP Case Study, Ulrich Focken, energy & meteo systems, Germany
Selection of a VPP as a Capacity Resource in the ISO-NE Auction, Ben Carron, Sunrun
Behind-the-Meter Resources, Aggregations and Market Participation, Jim Baak, Consultant
Alternative Market Designs for Various Hybrid Resources, Nikita Singhal, EPRI
How Will a Hybrid PV-Battery Plants Bid into a Market?, Gary Dorris, Ascend Analytics
Forecasting Session 2: Forecasting for Distributed Energy Applications
Chair: Bri-Mathias Hodge, NREL + UC Boulder
Incorporating On-Premise Solar PV Generation into an Operational Load Forecast – Revisited, Frank Monforte, Itron
Forecasting for Congestion in the Distribution Grid, Ulrich Focken, energy & meteo systems, Germany
Load Forecasting with Customer Adoption of DER, Brady Stoll, NREL
Impact of BTM on Load Forecasting in the CAISO, Amir Javanbakht, CAISO
Markets Session 2: Forecasting and Market Design for Grid Services
Chair: Eric Gimon, Energy Innovation
ERCOT Market Directions – Forecasting Frequency Response and Inertia (or More?), Nitika Mago, ERCOT
Solar Forecasting for Low Voltage Network Operations in Australia, Nick Engerer, Solcast and Australian National University
Forecast Error, the New Norm: Mitigating Risk in the SPP Market with Probabilistic Forecasting in Day-ahead Generation Studies, Gunnar Shaffer, SPP
System Services from Renewable Power Plants, Allison Weis, Ascend Analytics
Forecasting Session 3: Solar and Wind R&D Forecasting Advances – Part 1
Chair: Craig Collier, DNV-GL
Improving Irradiance Forecast Accuracy (CEC project, Clean Energy Research), Marc Perez, Clean Power Research
Error Correction in the Timing of BPA Wind Power Ramp Events, Andrea Staid, Sandia National Labs
Using Wind Plant Production Changes to Improve Neighboring Plant Forecasts, Anamaria Sabau, ConWX
Costs and Consequences of Wind Turbine Wake Effects Arising from Uncoordinated Wind Energy Development, Julie Lundquist, University of Colorado Boulder
Meso-Micro Model Coupling, Sue Haupt, NCAR
Markets Session 3: Current and Future Market Revenue Streams
Chair: Mark O’Malley, NREL
An Introduction to Grid Services, Paul Denholm, NREL
Value of Ancillary Services – Current Revenues and Future Scenarios, Robin Hytowitz, EPRI
Value of Capacity – Current Revenues and Future Scenarios, Onur Aydin, Brattle Group
Bringing It All Together – Impacts of VER on Wholesale Prices and Market Revenue Now and In the Future, Ryan Wiser, LBNL
Forecasting Session 4: Solar and Wind R&D Forecasting Advances – Part 2
Chair: Jeff Lerner, Vaisala
Wind Plant Forecast Improvements in Complex Terrain and Extreme Weather Conditions, Mikkel Westenholz, ENFOR
Wind and Solar Forecasting Advances and The Potential Utilization for Improved Battery Storage Integration, Tyler McCandless, NCAR
Wind Power Production and Ramp Forecasting Research Update, Ryan Kilpatrick, NRCan
More Accurate Solar and Wind Guidance from the NOAA HRRR Model in 2019-2020, Stan Benjamin, NOAA
Markets Session 4: Innovation of Services and Markets – Learning from Distribution and Vertically Integrated Utility Experiences
Chair: Elaine Hale, NREL
Incentivizing DERs Through Performance Based Rates, Beth Hartman, Rocky Mountain Institute
Distributed Storage and DER Participation in Markets, Jeff Dennis, AEE
DER Blockchain – How it Contributes to Services and Markets, Pete Bronski, Energy Web Foundation
Integration of Distribution System Markets and RTO Markets, Forrest Small, Concentric Energy Advisors
Forecasting Session 5: IEA WIND Task 36 – Forecasting for Wind Energy
Chair: Carolina Draxl, NREL
Update on Global Coordination in Forecast Model Improvement and Energy Forecast Metrics in NWP Models, Will Shaw, PNNL
Recommended Practices Guidelines for Forecast Solution Selection, Jeff Lerner, Vaisala, John Zack, UL-AWS
Data Communication Standards for Wind and Solar Forecasting, Mikkel Westenholz, ENFOR
Markets Session 5: System Operation Under Extreme Weather Events
Chair: Josh Novacheck, NREL
Weather Events in NREL’s Wind and Solar Datasets, Justin Sharp, Sharply Focused LLC
Forecasting Power System Relevant Weather Events, Hannah Bloomfield, U of Reading, UK
Weather and Hydro Planning and Operations: Historical and Future Perspectives, Kevin Howard, Western Area Power Administration
MISO Market Operations during Weather Events, Stephen Rose, MISO
Closing Plenary Session: Global Perspectives on Forecasting and Market Design for the Future Energy System
Chair: Aidan Tuohy, EPRI
Forecasting for an Integrated Energy System, Laurent Dubus, EDF, France
Forecasting and Market Design for Multi-area Energy Balancing: A European Perspective, Magnus Korpås, NTNU, Norway
Efficient Network Planning Under Uncertainty: The Role of Non-Wires Alternatives and Lessons from Australia, Anna Evans, MIT Energy Initiative
Market Design Considerations for a High Renewables Future, Aaron Townsend, ERCOT
Meteorology & Market Design for Grid Services Workshop Recap