Download J. Pfeifenberger Presentation
Download K. Chilukuri & A. Vander Vorst Presentation
About the Webinar: ESIG and LBNL are jointly launching a webinar series on reform of generator interconnection processes in the bulk power system. This builds on the Generator Interconnection panel session from ESIG’s Spring Workshop in March and LBNL’s body of research on interconnection queues across the US. Participants will discuss: 1) the proposed creation of a new ESIG/LBNL joint effort on generator interconnection, and 2) study criteria used by U.S. independent system operators in evaluating new generator additions. Attendees will have an opportunity to voice their opinion on topics that this joint effort should explore and learn about differences in interconnection study criteria between the U.S. Independent System Operators. The panel will conclude with a discussion of the implications of interconnection study criteria on network upgrades and system planning.
Joe Rand
Aaron Bloom
Kalyan Chilukuri
Johannes Pfeifenberger
Aaron Vander Vorst
Featured Speakers: Joe Rand, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Aaron Bloom, NextEra Analytics; Kalyan Chilukuri, Electric Power Engineers; Johannes Pfeifenberger, The Brattle Group; Aaron Vander Vorst, Enel Green Power
About the Speakers: Joe Rand is a Senior Scientific Engineering Associate in the Electricity Markets and Policy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Joe conducts research and analysis on renewable energy, including: renewable energy policy, cost, and market analysis; spatial data analysis; and research related to public acceptance and deployment barriers of renewable energy.
Aaron Bloom is a Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs at NextEra Energy, where he supports a comprehensive offering of clean energy, transmission, and software solutions for the energy sector. He is an expert in power system planning, power systems operations, resource adequacy, electricity market design, and utility regulation. For the last three years he worked at NextEra Analytics where he led software development for tools used in originating clean energy projects and optimizing battery market performance.
Kalyan Chilukuri has extensive experience and technical expertise in transmission planning, energy resource integration and esoteric studies. Having worked in and supported utilities, system operators and renewable energy developers in New Zealand, Australia, USA and Canada, Kalyan brings a unique perspective to technical projects and is able to apply global best practices when serving clients. Within the US Market, Kalyan has deep expertise in PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO footprints and has led projects supporting the nascent but fast developing offshore wind and transmission industry. As the Vice President of Energy Resources Integration and Interconnection at Electric Power Engineers LLC, Kalyan is responsible for strategy, staff leadership, business development, financial performance, and overall project delivery.
Johannes (Hannes) Pfeifenberger, a Principal at The Brattle Group, is an economist with a background in electrical engineering and over twenty-five years of experience in wholesale power market design, renewable energy, electricity storage, and transmission. He also is a Visiting Scholar at MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR), a Senior Fellow at Boston University’s Institute of Sustainable Energy (BU-ISE), a IEEE Senior Member, and currently serves as an advisor to research initiatives by the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Labs, and the Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG).
Aaron Vander Vorst has worked in electric power systems planning for the last 13 years. He learned the craft of transmission planning with Minnkota Power Cooperative where he gained a wide variety of planning experience, most notably managing the interconnection and transmission service processes. In 2017, Aaron pursued his passion for those processes by joining Tradewind Energy, where he managed the interconnection of development-stage renewable energy projects across SPP and surrounding non-RTO providers. Following the acquisition of Tradewind by Enel Green Power, Aaron moved into his current role leading a team of engineers responsible for interconnection and transmission service of new renewables across the US, including wind, solar, battery, and other technologies. He continues to focus on shaping transmission policy across the Eastern Interconnection and with FERC.
Registration Cost: FREE