Dr. Jian Sun
Featured Presenter: Dr. Jian Sun, Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI); Director of the Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES)
About the Tutorial: Frequency scan has been used to identify subsynchronous resonance (SSR) involving generators since 1970’s. The method is intuitive and easy to use but remained for a long time an ad hoc numerical procedure. This changed with the establishment of the small-signal sequence immittance theory of which frequency scan is a simplified application. The more general definition and mathematical development of immittance-based frequency-domain models at both the component and system level as well as stability analysis based on such models opened new applications and provided a general framework to address stability challenges in renewable generation, HVDC transmission, and future power systems. This presentation gives an overview of the immittance-based stability theory and its successful application to solve IBR-grid interconnection problems such as high-frequency resonance of HVDC converters, supersynchronous resonance of wind and PV inverters in weak grids, as well as various subsynchronous problems. New developments to address system-wide stability concerns of future grids dominated by IBR are also reviewed.
About the Presenter: Dr. Jian Sun joined the faculty at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 2002, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering. He is also Director of the Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES) funded by New York State government. His research interests are in the general area of power electronics and energy conversion. He is credited for creating the small-signal sequence immittance theory and promoting its practical applications in different industries for over 15 years.
Dr. Sun received his doctorate from University of Paderborn, Germany. Prior to joining RPI, he spent five years at Rockwell Collins working on power electronics for aircraft power systems and was a Post-Doc Fellow at Georgia Tech from 1996 to 1997. As Director of CFES, he is responsible for the strategic directions and development of the Center’s research, industry collaboration, education, and outreach programs. His professional activities in the power electronics community included serving as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Power Electronics Letters from 2008 to 2014, Treasurer of IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) from 2013 to 2020, and as PELS Vice President of Conferences since 2021.
Dr. Sun received the IEEE PELS Modeling and Control Technical Achievements Award in 2013 and the R. David Middlebrook Outstanding Achievement Award in 2017. He is a Fellow of IEEE.
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.