Featured Speaker: Michael Milligan, Independent Consultant
Dr. Michael Milligan recently retired as Principal Researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He has more than 30 years’ experience in analysis and modeling the bulk power system, and more than 25 years focusing on the impacts of wind and solar generation integration into the bulk system. He is the author/coauthor of more than 220 journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, and book chapters. Michael has led/participated in numerous North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), and IEEE Power and Energy Society working groups and committees, and has advised numerous utilities, grid operators, and regulators, and internationally thru the 21st Century Power Partnership. Michael’s work was influential in starting the Energy Imbalance Market in the Western Interconnection, and he was a key contributor to the International Energy Agency Task 25 research group, focusing on wind power integration to the bulk power system. Michael is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from ESIG/UVIG (2018), NREL’s H.M. Hubbard Award, recognizing outstanding research contributions and leadership in science and technology (2010), and UVIG’s Achievement Award for sustained advances in wind integration study methodology (2012). He is now an independent power system consultant.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, ESIG Executive Director
Registration Cost: FREE
Additional Information: As the generation mix changes with the increasing penetrations of wind and solar, storage, DERs and demand response, there is concern over how the ancillary services that have been provided by fossil plants in the past will be provided with this new generation mix in the future. This webinar will review the conventional ancillary services available from fossil plants, and compare and contrast them with the services available from renewable energy plants. The topics will include the full range of frequency support, voltage support and balancing services needed to maintain system reliability at all times.