Featured Speaker: Ryan Quint, Director of Engineering and Security Integration, NERC
About the Webinar: Grid planners and operators rely on accurate models to conduct simulations that ensure reliable operation of the power grid – across the full spectrum of interconnection studies, long-term planning assessments, operational planning studies, and real-time operations. Ensuring a reliable and resilient grid of the future fundamentally requires us to develop and use accurate models for studying the power system. This presentation will outline key priority areas for IBR modeling that deserve additional attention to help us achieve our modeling accuracy goals. This includes reasonable and accurate modeling throughout the interconnection study process, ensuring model matches reality during the commissioning process, and keeping the model up-to-date during the lifecycle of the project.
The presentation will highlight key considerations from FERC Order Nos. 2023 and 901, as well as talk about the current status of various NERC Standards development projects in this area. Lastly, the presentation will touch on key findings from recent disturbance analyses and other assessments conducted by NERC that highlight a need to keep modeling and reliability studies in the forefront a the reliability focus moving forward. Topics include establishing modeling requirements, model development and quality checks, updating the model through the interconnection process, conducting model verification and validation, and ensuring accurate model and modeling information are shared with transmission entities for use in studies. The presentation will cover both phasor domain and electromagnetic transient (EMT) considerations, given the evolving nature of reliability studies with the rapidly changing resource mix.
About the Speaker: Ryan Quint is the Director of Engineering and Security Integration at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. He leads a number of NERC’s efforts related to grid transformation including initiatives focused on inverter-based resources, distributed energy resources, integrating security with conventional engineering practices, and emerging technologies. Ryan has been with NERC for coming up on 9 years, and has industry experience at Dominion Virginia Power and the Bonneville Power Administration. He received his PhD from Virginia Tech and is a registered professional engineer.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.