Featured Speaker: Babak Enayati, Lead Engineer, National Grid
Babak Enayati received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY in 2009. He is currently a Lead Research Development and Demonstration Engineer at National Grid, Waltham, MA. He joined IEEE in 2006 and currently is Senior Member, IEEE and the IEEE PES Governing Board Member-At-Large. Babak is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 (SCC21) and IEEE 1547, Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. Babak is also the Chair of IEEE PES Distributed Resources Integration working group. Babak is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Massachusetts.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, ESIG Executive Director
Registration Cost: FREE
Webinar Abstract: With the rapid expansion of DER in markets all over the world, there is intense interest in the most recent version of IEEE 1547, IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces, governing the interconnection of devices to the distribution system. The previous version of this standard dated from 2003, and a lot of change has happened since that time.
This webinar will present a brief overview of the family of 1547 standards, with the focus on the status of implementation of the new standard, addressing the changes from the previous version, particularly concerning new requirements for:
• Ride through
• Frequency control
• Steady state voltage regulation
• Interoperability
Implementation of several of the new requirements will be covered for MA, e. g. ride through adoption and challenges of voltage regulation implementation.