Featured Speakers:
Bob Zavadil, Chief Operating Officer, Enernex
Ryan Quint, Senior Manager, NERC
Bob Zavadil is responsible for developing and overseeing EnerNex’s power system engineering and consulting business. Bob is a nationally recognized expert in electric power system issues for wind generation. His clients in the wind generation industry range from turbine designers and manufacturers to project developers and operators, along with transmission service providers and independent transmission system operators. He has extensive experience with new and emerging technologies for electric power generation, delivery, and utilization, including distributed generation and power electronics-based equipment and hence, is able to provide expert advice on all kinds of studies related to wind power plants.
Bob has over thirty-five years of experience with advanced modeling and simulation tools for electric power systems. He has supervised multiple wind integration and interconnection studies in bulk power systems and is actively involved in the majority of the modeling activities at EnerNex. He has supervised and conducted several Sub Synchronous Resonance and interaction studies involving wind power plants in the past with very successful outcomes. One of his recent projects on investigating SSR phenomenon was the performance comparison of SmartWires Router with the EHV series compensation capacitors.
Ryan Quint is a Senior Manager at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, where he coordinates a number of NERC technical groups focused on emerging risks, grid stability, inverter-based resources, and modeling improvements. Ryan has also worked at Bonneville Power Administration and Dominion Virginia Power. He received his PhD from Virginia Tech, and is a registered Professional Engineer in Virginia.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, ESIG Executive Director
Registration Cost: FREE
Webinar Abstract: The purpose of the webinar is to share some of the latest updates and perspectives related to power plant model development and verification for inverter-based resources connected to the bulk power system. The webinar is intended for:
Key topics to be covered in the webinar include:
Wind and solar power plant model development and verification have become important topics with the maturing and large-scale adoption of these resources across North America and around the world. The industry continues to build experience and expertise in developing models and verifying those models for use in reliability studies. This webinar will provide an update on those activities. Bob Zavadil will present the background and status of inverter-based resource model development and application efforts. Ryan Quint will present relevant NERC standards, recent NERC efforts in this area, and perspectives moving forward.