Featured Speakers: Jay Caspary, Vice President, Grid Strategies; Bruce Tsuchida, Principal, The Brattle Group
Webinar Abstract: How much renewable energy integration can Grid Enhancing Technologies accelerate in five years, and how much savings can that provide? More importantly, why aren’t we already using these technologies more widely on the grid? Answer these questions and more with Jay Caspary, Vice President of Grid Strategies, and Bruce Tsuchida, Principal at the Brattle Group.
Mr. Caspary and Mr. Tsuchida, both long-time members of ESIG, will discuss the methodology and findings of a new study that modeled dynamic line ratings, advanced topology control, and advanced power flow control on the Southwest Power Pool system focusing on Kansas and Oklahoma. Using the queue of projects with signed interconnection agreements and historical operational snapshots, this case study analysis shows that Grid Enhancing Technologies could double the amount of renewable generating capacity that could be integrated based on approved plans by 2025. Audience discussion will follow the presentations.
Jay Caspary
Download the report, Unlocking the Queue with Grid Enhancing Technologies, on the WATT Coalition website.
About the Speakers:
Jay Caspary provides analysis and strategic guidance on transmission grid planning and operations to support a clean energy portfolio. Jay has 40 years of experience in transmission planning, engineering, management, tariffs, transmission services, and retail marketing. Most recently he oversaw Research, Development & Tariff Services for the Southwest Power Pool (SPP). He also served as SPP’s Director of Engineering and head of Transmission Development. In 2012-2013, Jay served as Senior Policy Advisor for the U. S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) with a focus on grid modernization. Prior to SPP, he served in several staff and managerial roles at Illinois Power.
Bruce Tsuchida
Mr. T. Bruce Tsuchida is a Principal of The Brattle Group with thirty years of experience in domestic and international power generation development, utility operation, and power market analysis. He specializes in assessing the impact of new technologies and regulatory changes, including analysis of evolving wholesale electric markets and modeling, impact of renewable and other new technologies’ on system operations, utility business, and various impacts on valuations of transmission and generation assets, deliverability, and contracts. These studies range from large interconnected systems to small island systems.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, ESIG Executive Director
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.