For use in the WWSIS analysis, one-minute time-series of AC power are calculated from simulated GHI for a large number of hypothetical PV power plants. There are no measured power data to which the WWSIS results could be compared. Consequently, our review of power calculations examined the methods used in, and illustrative results from the power calculations.

Calculation of power involved the following steps[18]:

  1. Estimating one-minute direct normal irradiance (DNI) and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) from global horizontal irradiance (GHI);
  2. Smoothing of irradiance to represent aggregate irradiance over a plant’s spatial extent;
  3. Estimating plane of array (POA) irradiance from the components of irradiance (i.e., DNI and DHI);
  4. Estimating one-minute time series of cell temperature;
  5. Calculation of DC power from POA irradiance and cell temperature;
  6. Calculation of AC power from DC power.

For step 1, a novel method was used, as discussed here. We found that this method generally resulted in underestimates of DNI, and consequently, that power output from CPV systems is likely understated by roughly 10%.

For step 2, the WWSIS simulation employed a version of a low-pass filter proposed by[12]. This filter operates on a time series of irradiance by applying a Fourier transform, reducing the amplitude of frequency components as described by the filter, then obtaining the smoothed time series via the inverse Fourier transform (the implementation differs from this description to take advantage of more computationally efficient methods). Other methods which could be employed include simple time-averaging over intervals related to plant dimension and wind speed[10] and amplitude reduction after other transforms, such as using wavelets[13]. Descriptions of the various methods include evidence of each method’s validity. At present, we are not aware of any careful comparison of these various methods to inform judgment about their relative merits. Consequently we view the use of the low-pass filter technique as representative of current practice.

For steps 2 through 5, the WWSIS simulation employed a version of NREL’s PVWatts code[19], an accepted tool for simulating generic PV power systems.

For flat-plate PV systems, power is generally proportional to GHI. Because distributions of GHI and of changes in GHI compare favorably with measurements; thus if time series of GHI and temperature are acceptable, then power calculated by PVWatts should also be acceptable. Figure on the right compares measured GHI during one clear day at the SRRL site in Golden, CO with simulated GHI for the same location and day, and simulated power for a 50MW fixed tilt PV array, which used the simulated GHI as the irradiance input. The simulated GHI closely follows the measured GHI, except for relatively minor intrahour variations. The shape of the power curve also closely follows the simulated GHI, as expected. Power rises later and falls earlier than irradiance due to the day of year selected (June 17, 2010), because the sun rises at azimuth 60° and sets at azimuth 300°, and thus is behind the plane of the array for about 45 minutes after sunrise and before sunset. The power curve appears more smooth than does the simulated GHI curve because GHI is smoothed to represent spatial aggregation and the smoothed GHI is input to power calculations. Overall, the curves depicting measured GHI, simulated GHI and simulated power behave as expected, and we view the conversion of GHI to power for fixedtilt PV systems as reasonable.

Figure on the right displays measured GHI during the clear day at the SRRL site, simulated DNI, and simulated power for a 50MW PV array using single-axis tracking. Due to the tracking that maintains low angle of incidence throughout the day, the power curve resembles the simulated DNI curve, as expected.

Overall we conclude that the simulation of power, either from PV or CPV systems, other than the estimation of DNI from GHI, is generally consistent with accepted practices. Even with the novel method for estimating DNI, we view the resulting time series of power to be reasonable for the purposes of WWSIS, with the caveat that simulated power from CPV systems is understated by roughly 10% relative to the potential power levels indicated by measured DNI.


In our validation, we have compared simulated one-minute time series of global horizontal irradiance (GHI) and direct normal irradiance (DNI) with measurements of these quantities. We focused much of our comparison within areas where the WWSIS study assumes that utility-scale PV and CPV plants could be located, but also considered areas where distributed PV may be significant. We compared:

  1. CDFs of GHI;
  2. CDFs of changes in GHI;
  3. Correlations in clear-sky index as a function of distance between sites;
  4. Correlations in the changes in clear-sky index as a function of distance between sites;
  5. CDFs of DNI and of changes in DNI.

Favorable comparison with measurements establishes confidence that the simulated time series of power from hypothetical solar plants are reasonable, that the changes in power from these plants are reasonable, and that variation in output from different plants is appropriately represented.

Generally, we found that the CDFs of GHI compare favorably between simulations and measurements. The CDFs of GHI did not compare favorably at two locations (Salt Lake City, UT, and Seattle, WA) that are remote from sites with measured data used to calibrate the simulations. However, in WWSIS these locations are assumed to contain locally significant distributed PV rather than utility-scale generation and consequently we view the discrepancy at these locations as acceptable in the context of WWSIS. We also observed that the simulation method produced, at times, non-physically high values of irradiance. We recommend that a filter be applied to the time series of simulated power at each hypothetical plant, to remove any unreasonably high power values.

We found that the CDFs of changes in simulated GHI compare favorably with CDFs of changes in measurements after both time series are smoothed to represent spatial averaging over a plant’s area. Before smoothing the simulated one-minute time series appear to be more variable than measurements, exhibiting more frequent large changes. Because we focus our validation on the characteristics of power from hypothetical utility-scale plants, we consider the smoothed simulation time series to be reasonable in the context of the WWSIS. We caution that the simulation results may not reasonably represent GHI at smaller spatial scales.

By examining correlations between time series of clear-sky index for pairs of locations, as well as joint distributions of clear-sky index for each pair, we concluded that the simulation preserves spatial relationships among plants that are consistent with relationships evident in measured data. We also examined time series of changes in clearness index, calculating correlation as a function of distance between sites and comparing joint distributions of changes in clearness index for pairs of sites. We found that changes in clearness index showed correlations similar to those observed in measurements. We observed, however, that the simulations tended to show more variability in time series of clear-sky index than is evident in the measurements. In addition, we observed that small changes in hourly clear-sky index occur more frequently in the simulations than in measurements, and that large changes occur less frequently in simulations. In combination, these differences between simulated and measured time series may affect the variability of power aggregated over all hypothetical plants. We believe the discrepancy in variability, if present, will be minor in the context of WWSIS, because 1) the CDFs of changes in smoothed GHI compare favorably with measurements, indicating that large changes do not occur with undue frequencies; and 2) we found reasonable correlations among sites both for clearness index and for changes in clearness index.

We compared CDFs of simulated DNI and CDFs of changes in simulated DNI to the corresponding measurements, and found that the simulations generally understated DNI, by roughly 10%. However, changes in DNI appear to be appropriately represented.

We performed a qualitative review of the translation of simulated irradiance to power from hypothetical PV and CPV plants. We found that generally accepted methods were employed to translate irradiance to power. For non-concentrating PV systems, because analysis of simulated GHI reached favorable conclusions, we believe that the simulated power is reasonable and appropriate for the WWSIS study. For concentrating PV systems, however, because DNI is somewhat understated, the simulated power is also understated by a similar amount.

In conclusion, we regard the simulated power output from utility-scale PV and CPV plants to be reasonable for the purposes of the WWSIS Phase II study. Because our validation focused on the simulated irradiance that was used to calculated power, by extension we also may regard the simulated power from CSP and from distributed PV systems as reasonable, provided that the methods used to translate irradiance to power are reasonable. However, we caution that our conclusions apply only within the context of the WWSIS Phase II study and that additional validation may be warranted if these simulated data are used for other purposes.


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  19.  National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). PVWatts™. Retrieved from, June 2012